Friday, February 15, 2013

"Next Gen Consoles Can Suck it!"

By "suck it' of course I don't mean literally, so get your mind out of the gutter, because if they really could "suck it" I would definitely be getting one...just don't put in the wrong disc when you get started, because there's a big difference between Kratos and the chicks from Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball.
By the end of 2013 we'll most likely have the next gen consoles of all three of the major players (Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony) in the game out on the market and possibly even some new comers, and I for one am not happy about it. I'm not ready, I'm still having way too much fun with the Wii, PS3 and the Xbox 360 to want to toss them aside just to make room for the new. We all know when the next gen consoles come out, the current gen consoles will become forgotten relics, with no support at all...they will be like the kid whose parents just brought home his new baby brother/sister from the hospital...they will be tossed aside and unloved.
I know support won't disappear day one, but it will happen with a quickness and that's what scares me. I also know that there will be new games being released for this generation of consoles, but not enough to really make an avid gamer cry out in excitement...I would really hate to walk into a Best Buy and/or Gamestop and see only three or four new games to choose from......all year
My backlog is off the shelf....literally off the shelf, and I'm OK with that. So I may just stay in this gen for as long as possible, holding off buying anything next gen until completely necessary. I am playing the games I have, but with limited time and this thing called life always getting in the way it's hard to finish them all. I think I'm insane, because I can clearly see that I have a shelf full of games I haven't beaten yet, but still I buy more. I can't help it, it's like an addiction, no matter how hard I fight to sustain from buying more, I just can't. I think it's in my genes.....along with the fat gene......stupid fat gene keeping me from being skinny. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to McDonalds for a double Quarter Pounder with cheese, large fries and a Diet Coke....because I'm watching my figure.
I know technology evolves at the speed of light and honestly I'm OK with that, but in this particular situation, it just feels too soon and a little everyone is trying to beat its competitors out of the starting gate. I don't know, maybe I'm alone in this, but I just can't take the least not until a few more years.
There's just so many awesome games out and coming out that can keep us busy for a long time, that is unless you're unemployed living with your mom doing nothing else but gaming. It feels like there's so much more life left in the consoles of this generation.....well maybe not the Wii, but the PS3 and Xbox 360 for sure.
No one likes change, whether it be in life or from the exchange of paper currency, it's scientifically proven...the only change I like is that of clothing, especially underwear and can only sport the same draws for so long before you end up getting a rash.


  1. I prefer PC games still, over consoles. My husband is an avid xbox call of duty guy, and also plays random things on ps3. I guess I am old school...Maybe I would be more excited if Qbert came out on one of the newer consoles.

    1. I love the old school...the old school rocked. I've always wanted to try gaming on my PC, but I never seem to get around to it...there's always some game on the PS3 and/or Xbox 360 that keeps me from it...atupid consoles.

  2. I couldn't disagree more "an old and cranky gamer"? I was a console gamer since the original NES and this generation of console gaming was EASILY the worst!!...why? there simply wasn't enough Japanese games, or game variety in general it was just flooded with boring First person shooters, this gen just seemed to drag on forever!!.. DLC, Call of Duty, Endless sequels, games you could finish in 2 days, American corporations like IGN which were basically like mass-advertisers You could clearly see the coruption and greed turning the whole industry to shit. ~ As for next gen about to come... I don't even care anymore couldn't give the slightest fuck!! If japanese games and real passion/innovation actually comes back maybe i'll consider it...from a REAL console gamer!!

    1. didn't think there was any variety this generation?

      Whereas I do agree with you that FPSs saturated the market...many of them very generic and thrown out only with the hopes to grab some of that CoD money...but there was also some great non-CoD FPSs (i.e. Bioshock, Singularity, BulletStorm, etc.) and the other genres were represented pretty well too...with games like Vanquish, Demon Souls, Tomb Raider, etc.

      I'm not going to tell you this generation was the best...but I also wouldn't say it's the worst either.

      For the record...I do agree with you in regards to companies such as IGN...they are a waste of time.

  3. Variety? nope! Seriously how many great Japanese RPGs were there this gen? Okay there was Dark Souls, maybe one or two others but they were pretty much absent this gen. Platformers pretty much went extinct too. PS2 had over 10,000 games..THAT is variety!!

    Graphically this gen may have gone forwards (has it always does) but everything else went totally backwards! (innovation, originality, etc) Tomb raider, I finished that game in like 2 or 3 days then then it stayed sitting on my shelf! (believe me it wasn't the only one) in fact It was exactly the type of hollywood blockbuster game this gen that I thought was totally overpraised garbage. The saddest thing is, now kids that grew up with this gen think finishing a game in a few days is a totally normal thing, what can we expect in the future?

    1. First off, it’s unfair to compare any console to the PS2, considering that it is one of the all-time best selling consoles on the market. Secondly, quantity doesn’t necessarily mean quality, so just because a console has over “10,000” games doesn’t mean they we all good…just ask owners of the NES back in the day about that. Sure you have variety, but what good is that variety if only a handful of those games were worth playing.

      Now I’m not trying to say that every genre was showcased in the absolute best light and represented the way it should have been, or as fans of that particular genre would have liked to see it represented, but overall I would say we did see a great variety of games this generation from all different genres.

      You mentioned Tomb Raider, now while the game was short compared to today’s standards, that doesn’t mean it was a bad game. In fact there have been many so-called “short” games that were a lot of fun and totally worth playing. There are times when people don’t have hundreds of hours to invest in a game, they want to play something that is possible to be beaten within the limited time they have.

      I don’t think there is a chance of anyone, regardless of when they grew up, to consider the length of that particular game as the norm…especially with games like Skyrim and Far Cry on the market.

