Friday, June 21, 2013

“My Favorite Console of This Generation is…”

I have a lot of people asking me now that this generation of consoles is coming to an end, which one was my personal favorite…well okay no one really asked me that…I just figured I would tell you anyway.

I’ve been a Nintendo fan from day one…even held out on buying a Playstation one and two (when they were the cool things to have) just to support the big N and their N64 and Gamecube. Link, Mario, Samus…I loved them all…I even used to dream about being Mr. Aran (of course I would take her last name because she can kick my ass) when I grew up.

Then along came the Wii…a lot of fun at first…but shortly after my hundredth game of bowling it kind of got old and stale…like what happens to a fruitcake after Christmas. I don’t know…it may be because I’m lazy…but the whole motion control gaming thing was a novelty that way over stayed its welcome…and even in some case made a game that should be fun and relaxing a whole lot more work than necessary.

Now I’m not hating on the Wii or anything like that…it had its moments and its fair share of good games…but needless to say it wasn’t my favorite console from this generation.

Next console to be voted off of cyber island would have to be the Xbox 360. Just like with the Wii…I didn’t hate the 360 but it did leave little to be desired…at least for me anyway. Its exclusive didn’t really do anything for me…at least not their “AAA” exclusives like Halo, Fable and Gears of War…they were fun and all but just not my cup of tea.

Gears of War felt as if I was playing as the jocks that used to beat me…or um I mean the nerds up back in school. I spent more time letting the enemies kill me just so I could watch those ‘roid heads die. I know that sounds sadistic and even borderline nuts…but what can I say, I just looked at it like reverse cyber bullying with me on the giving end of a serious butt kicking.

Halo…not a bad game per se…I mean the single player campaign was decent…but the multiplayer component made me want to smash my face with a hot iron then soak it in alcohol. I know some would say just don’t play online…but then you’re missing out on all the fun…or so I thought.

When playing online I get smoked like a cigar all the time…and not because I suck…well okay it is partly because I suck but the other part is because people are bouncing around all over the place like as if they were in one of those bouncy houses at a kids birthday party.

I didn’t like those stupid things when I was a kid (because I was never invited to anyone’s party who had one…or anyone’s party who didn’t have one for that matter)…so why would I want to play in one now…especially with weapons blasting and people who are trying to kill me dead.

Then of course when I “make my team lose” I get cussed out by people who sound like they just sucked the helium out of a balloon…oh so much fun. What kind of sadist am I, to pay for people to freak out on me and tell me that I am a loser…I can get that for free just by going over to my parents’ house.

Now for Fable…well my momma used to tell me if I can’t say something nice then don’t say anything at all…so onto my number one…

Which of course, due to the process of elimination is obviously OnLive…what a true diamond in the rough…what a real hidden treasure…what an honest to goodness piece of poop.  What a joke of a system that was…now I don’t know whose bright idea that was, but they should be beaten with a wiffleball bat.

My number one is the PS3 of course…my only real friend…it’s such a head ripping off shocking trash people alien shooting good time. I had a blast with the PS3…so many great memories, fun times and off the chain nerd rages. Honestly if it was possible to marry an inanimate object I would so become one with the PS3…I think she has a hot disk slot huh huh.

I loved Sony’s exclusives this generation…they were lots of fun and very entertaining…even if some of them were ideas taken from Nintendo games. They made sure to have all their bases covered; there was a little bit of everything for everyone, from action adventures to RPGs...they did their best to not leave anyone feeling neglected.

I also enjoyed the cast of characters that showed up in these games…I thought they were interesting and a blast to play…very memorable and unique in their own way. Sony’s character lineup is second only to Nintendo’s in my book…and with each passing generation they’re getting closer and closer to being my new number one.
I am also a fan of their hardware; the operating system is very easy to use and straightforward, I don’t know maybe it’s because I’m old and my senses aren’t what they used to be, but I enjoyed it. The controller is my favorite of this generation mainly because it hasn’t really changed all that much since it first came into the game…which again, is great for old timers such as myself.

Well there you go people…my number one…so what do you think?



  1. Absolutely agree! I played all the consoles last gen (wow, weird feeling, to say last gen), but it wasn't until I bought my own PS3 that I knew I had made the right choice. I almost got a 360, but I was able to borrow one and play the games I wanted. I loved the PS3, and I hope PS4 delivers more awesome memories and amazing experiences.

    1. I know exactly what you mean...I can't believe this generation is last generation...boy do I feel old.

      The PS3 is the bomb freaking doubt about it. Not that I didn't love all the other consoles for one reason or another...but the PS3 was my favorite.

    2. My ps3 will still be gettin' play into the next gen, too.

    3. Amen to that my friend...mine too.

  2. So true that the PS3 was my favorite, but to state that the 360 only had dudebro games is overly simplistic. We had some real gems like Kameo(I still pray that this will somehow see a sequel) and Too Human. That's right, I said it and it isn't a typo. Also, the 360 was where I first experienced the indi explosion, so it will always have fond memories.

    The Wii gets the short end of the stick in many ways, but it also had one of the best JRPG games of the past few gens in Xenoblade Chronicles. This was made on a console that is seen as a kid system, so it makes us wonder how much power devs really need to make a game that blows our socks off. N also made couch co-op fun again with games like Wii Sports and NSMB. NSMB is one of the funnest group games that has been released in recent memory. How many other games allow you to have the old fun of screwing with someone sitting right by you by jumping on their head and forcing them to fall into a bottomless pit.

    I guess that what I'm trying to say is that each console had its own niche, and to try to place one above the other isn't as simple as some would like to believe. Unless you're doing a fan thing, in which case, it stops being a discussion and more of a, "You got to change disks," or, "You don't have cross-chat." We've had enough of that, I play games I like regardless of where I can find them.

    Daft Gamer

    1. Daft

      I’m not saying that the 360 only had “dudebro” games…not at all. I was talking exclusively about Gears of War and my personal feelings towards it…of course I was trying (emphasis on trying) to be funny when I said what I said.

      I had a lot of fun with the 360…including Too Human (not a typo on my part either). Honestly the only thing I didn’t like about it was the latest version of the dashboard…not really feeling it.

      I do agree with what you said about the Wii…it does get the short end of the stick. Just like with the 360, I had a lot of fun with it too…but out of all three of the current gen consoles it is the one that collects the most dust.

      I enjoyed all three consoles for one reason or another…but when it comes down to which one I enjoyed the most out of this generation of consoles it would have to be the PS3…and no I’m not a “PS3 fanboy”…I;m a proud owner of all three.


  3. I think your article kind of sucks to be honest. You go on and on about all the reasons you didn't like the other systems... and then leave a paragraph to say "PS3 rules yo"... no explanation as to why.

    1. Dang Weber...that hurt.

      You made me feel sad...and depressed...and now I may just have to take a bath with my toaster and end it all.

      Thanks for reading...and for the feedback.

    2. I love you though!

      And I commend you on taking the initiative to start this blog and write.

      Put the toaster away.


    3. Thanks Weber...that means a lot coming from you.

      It's a work in progress...and I know I have a long way to go...but I'm looking forward to the journey.

      The toaster is down.

  4. My favorite console is the one in my car-the one that holds kleenex and has cupholders... Sorry I couldn't resist that one!

    I asked my husband this question and he either was ignoring me or just didn't hear me (he had his nose in the Sims on his pc, of course). I'm going to assume his favorite is the Xbox 360.

    1. Okay, I must admit that was pretty funny...even if it was a dig.

      I keep telling you to pick up the's not going to hurt you...I promise. You may actually have a lot of fun playing video never know until you try.

    2. It wasn't a dig... it was a feeble attempt at humor.

    3. you're just trying to back pedal because you know you played me like as if my name was's all good though.

  5. My love for games is linked to the N64 as well, but my favorite console has to be the PS2. When it first came out when I was 10, I absolutely loved the games that came out and I was able to play nearly every single Final Fantasy on it. When PS3 came out, I didn't really care for the games and found myself in the Xbox 360 era and fell in love with some games there; however, now I'm strictly a PC gamer with Guild Wars 2, Minecraft, etc. My friends have been talking about the PS4 recently and I'm not sure what to think about it. All I know is that now I want to play my games on my PC :) Great post, by the way!

    1. The N64 you say...what a missed out on the NES and the Super NES...two great systems. I personally love the PS3 and the Xbox 360, of course for different reasons...but all in all I would say that they are both great systems. I'm thinking about getting into PC gaming, but I just haven't had the time and/or money to do so.
