Saturday, January 26, 2013

"How I Take My Gaming "

This topic came to mind when I heard a guy say "how I take my women...", now since I'm a gamer and not really a ladies man (thanks to my mom not letting me close my bedroom door when I have chicks over), I figured I would tailor it to fit my world.

Now for those interested, I will tell you how I take my women...

I prefer women you blow up...of course I don't mean with explosives...I'm talking about with air. Why you ask...well because you don't have to spend any money on them, there's no bitching and when you're ready to get your freak on you won't ever get shot down by the "headache" line.

I know some of you are thinking, "Michael, after you blow up your girl aren't you kinda winded and just go to bed exhausted" and my answer to you would be c'mon man I'm not that much of a noob...I use a bike pump! It does the job with a quickness and afterwards I'm not left winded.

My biggest problems is holes...and I'm not talking about the holes that are supposed to be there either...I'm talking about leaks and such. I keep a can of Fix A Flat and a roll of duct tape by the bed at all times...just in case.

Now back on topic...

I've been gaming since before it was the thing to do back when people didn't care about graphics, achievements/trophies and internet connections, they just enjoyed the game for what it was and the enjoyment they got out of it.

Don't get me wrong I'm not some bitter old man who fears change, I personally love the advancements in technology when it comes to video games like the graphics, the gameplay mechanics and believe it or not, even the multiplayer component. However, I'm not really into the "novelty" aspect like motion controlled gaming (Wii, Kinect, Move) and 3D (3DS).

I'm not saying I don't enjoy these things occasionally but on an everyday basis...not so much. Maybe I'm just too old fashioned (or lazy) I don't know, but I prefer the traditional sit and play style to fulfill my gaming needs.

I think it's a good thing that the companies try new things to keep things fresh and original, but I don't think anything will ever replace the feeling of sitting in front of an HDTV with the surround sound blasting and a controller in hand...just saying.

Again, I do enjoy motion controlled gaming but in short increments. I can sit in front of the TV and get lost in a game for hours, but when it comes me being the controller, it's not for very long.


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